Ultimate frisbee begins season with high hopes

By Allegra Eslick

The ultimate frisbee team spins off the year with a positive attitude and a goal to make it to regionals. Senior captains Kevin Schwaba and Scott Marquard discuss the game, the team and how it was formed two years ago.

Kicking off their third year, the team held their first tournament of the year on Saturday at the University of California at Santa Cruz. There, they played against UCLA, UC Davis and Cal Poly, among others. Marquard said the team won only one out of the six games that they played, but are maintaining a positive attitude regarding the rest of the year.

"We didn't do so hot, but mainly it is because we have so many inexperienced guys on the team, and it was our first tournament as this year's team together," says Marquard. "Our main goal was to get our new guys as much playing time as possible, because we want them to experience ultimate and how the games are run."

Marquard's opinion of their efforts did not stand alone. "I think it went really well, we had a lot of fun and we were playing right by the ocean which was cool and we had a lot of new guys," says Schwaba. "We were playing against some of the best teams in the nation."

For those unfamiliar with the sport, ultimate frisbee is a lot like basketball and football, combined. "You have to make as many passes as possible without dropping the disc. You cannot walk with the frisbee," says Marquard. "To achieve one point the person has to catch the frisbee in the end zone. It may take one pass or it may take 50 to get it into the end zone."

Ultimate frisbee began at Santa Clara as an intramural team. When former captain Dan Alvarado contacted one of the best teams in the area for a tournament, their team changed for the better.

"We played this club team, and their coach (Chris Sherwood) said 'hey you guys are pretty decent, have you ever thought of forming a college ultimate frisbee team?" Marquard says. Sherwood, known to the team as "Woody," volunteered his services as a coach for the Santa Clara team.

The team is attempting to hold their first tournament at Santa Clara in February. "Our hope is to have at least a 12 to 16 team tournament here," says Marquard. "Our team goal right now is to make it to regionals this year, which means we have to get on practicing and keep on playing in as many tournaments as possible in all these preliminary tournaments."

Schwaba also has high hopes for the team this year. "My goal for the team is to continue to improve, keeping it going and keep getting better. My other concern is I would like to make it to regionals this year."

Schwaba believes the captains are "leaders on and off the field." There are two team presidents: sophomores Alex Seber and Pat Kelly, as well as two other captains: senior Marco Innocenti and junior Brendan Harper.

"I've been here from the beginning, this has been a huge part of my Santa Clara experience and has been worth every second of it," says Schwaba. "I cant imagine my Santa Clara undergraduate experience without playing ultimate frisbee. Some of the friendships I have made on the team have been the best I have made here at Santa Clara."

The next tournament is in January at UC Santa Barbara.

Contact Allegra Eslick at (408) 551-1918 or aeslick@scu.edu.

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